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Should I go back to work or be a stay-at-home mom?

I was working in the service industry before my daughter was born, but she is about five months now and I still haven’t gone back to work. My husband has assured me that he can support us and I don’t need to go back to work if I don’t want to. I can’t decide if I should go back to work or be a stay-at-home mom though. I miss my job a lot, but I think I might feel guilty working when I could be spending time with my daughter instead. Any SAHMs or career moms who can give me some advice on this?

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Should I start my son early or late for school?

Hey moms! My son falls right within the cutoff for starting kindergarten, so we can wait a year and he’ll be a little bit older than most students, or we can start now and he will be one of the youngest. I can see pros and cons to each side, and that is making coming to a decision a bit difficult. Help!

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How to add science to early childhood education!

Help! I need ideas for adding more science into my kids' learning!

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Daily Daycare Schedules

I have been a childcare provider for almost 20 years and a daily schedule helps a whole lot and it gets the child ready for school when they know it's time to play/learn and have meals or snack and nap time and plus it makes the day go by faster when there is program in place. Structure is very important for your child to do well in school. What are your favorite parts of your daycare's daily schedule?

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What daycare prices are other parents paying?

I want to know how much an average childcare costs (both preschool facilities and a in-home daycare). I am struggling on what I can actually afford & what is expected to be paid.

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What is a Montessori daycare?

I am confused. I have looked into Montessori schools and other preschools that aren't really labelled and I would love to hear what the true breakdown of what a real Montessori is supposed to offer.

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What is the difference between daycare centers and in-home daycares?

So my sister has her daughter in a preschool facility and I kind of want my daughter to go there as well but it's just really expensive and I am thinking about going towards the daycare option but am so hesitant because I'm not sure if the quality with be as good. Opinions?

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How do you breastfeed with a child in daycare?

Wondering how daycare works if you’re still breastfeeding? Thinking about sending our 8 mo to daycare but not willing to switch her to formula.

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Looking for LA daycares that accept government subsidy!

Crenshaw single mom in need of help finding a daycare that accepts government subsidy! I receive government subsidy for my son’s child care. How do I find a daycare that accepts subsidy, though? Most of the daycares I’ve visited have very strict payment rules and guidelines. Getting subsidy was a blessing, but I’m just having trouble using it!

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Best daycare in the Inglewood area?

Looking for a daycare in the Inglewood / Mar Vista / Playa Vista area that accepts kids that aren’t potty trained yet! Please give me recommendations! PS: Extra points if the daycare provides potty training.

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