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Toddler in Childcare First Time

I've been home with my baby for the last 2 years. I am now ready to return to work but will need to put him in daycare. Would love to know how others transitioned back and found themselves okay with putting their toddler in daycare? Thanks!

7 Likes 4 Replies


Elizabeth Dastrup posted November 28, 2021

I'm in a similar position and would love to hear other's stories as well m 0 Likes

Jennifer posted November 29, 2021

I'm in the same position. I've been home for 2 yrs with my daughter 0 Likes

Sam posted November 29, 2021

As a in-home provider and mother of 4, I always found this to be interesting. I myself stayed home with our kids but have had many first timers who transitioned to me. At first the kids are shocked. Like really shocked haha. Then they see other kids who become their friends and after a week or so, they won't nothing more than to be around their friends. I've seen this many times and have had to tell parents, your kid will be just fine. :) 0 Likes

Sam posted November 29, 2021

forgot to add, it's usually the parents that have the hardest time. 0 Likes