My daughter is 4 and she always asks me to use makeup because she sees me wearing it. I want her to be able to express exactly what she see/feels her role models do, not just me, but i'm scared of what others may think or say.
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5 Replies
Paula posted October 24, 2019
She is your daughter, it's harmless to allow her to express herself in the way you best see fit. Makeup is just like brushing your hair or putting on clothes. She's going to want to do what you are doing, as long as it doesn't hurt her, you shouldn't be embarrassed about it. People will judge no matter what you do.Jess posted October 24, 2019
As long as it doesn't have harmful chemicals in it. I let my daughter play with makeup, but i don't let her go to school or anywhere with it. I let her know it's for home play & will even allow her to take her own pictures with it. it's just fun!Maggie posted October 25, 2019
Totally normal, it was one of my favorite phases in my daughter's life to get to play dress up with her. However, I didn't allow her to do it anytime, it was only on special occasions.Maureen posted October 25, 2019
I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as it’s just for play and in the home. It can make for great bonding time. I’d just keep it light and make sure the products won’t harm her skin.Tammy posted November 1, 2019
Totally agree that it's fine and she just wants to follow what you are doing! Fun bonding time that you can both look forward to during play time at home. My girl loves a little lip gloss and blush (natural make up products only) with her hair in a pony tail. We pretend to go to a garden party and drink tea while eating little sandwiches. It's really adorable and we take photos together that we can giggle at after.