Is homemade baby food really better for babies than store-bought? Is it as safe since it’s harder to regulate and store properly when making yourself?
6 Replies
Debora posted January 28, 2020
When it comes to baby food, store-bought isn’t necessarily better or worse. It really depends on your needs and what works best for you and your baby. Store-bought food is convenient and room temperature-stable, making it a good option when you’re on the go or traveling. On the other hand, some store-bought options contain preservatives to achieve this, so check the labels to make sure only naturally occurring preservatives (like Vitamin C) are used. Luckily, there are plenty of natural and organic options on the market these days to choose from, but many can be costly. Homemade baby food can be more cost-effective, depending on the ingredients you use and which packaged options you’re considering. It’s also pretty darn easy to make - all you need to do is steam the fruits and vegetables and use a food processor or other tool to puree the food. Completely smooth food free of any chunks is, of course, extremely important to avoid choking risks, so always test it out yourself first. Storing is pretty simple, but remember that homemade baby food won’t keep as long as store-bought - so consider freezing when making a large batch at once.Vanessa posted January 28, 2020
Do not stress out about making your own baby food at home. You are caring for an infant and there are plenty of other things to keep you busy - and to worry about. Home-made food doesn’t need to be one of them. It’s 2019 and there are a ton of awesome, organic brands making affordable baby food. Moms rave about Happy Baby Organic and Sprouts Organic pouches and you can even buy them on Amazon.Ericka posted January 29, 2020
Homemade is always betterDeborah posted February 19, 2020
Home made is fresh and taste better. The more natural the food is the better it is for the child.Sarah posted January 8, 2022
Homemade tastes better, is more fresh, will get your little one adapted to things you eat, and also is a hell of a lot cheaper. You will probably want to invest in a good blender, like Vitamix, with the Ascent Blending Bowl so you can make tiny portions though, and put them in silicone ice cube tray so you can pop them out easier. Once frozen, pop the cubes out into a sandwich box or something, label, store in freezer, and heat up as needed. Don't use if it is more than a few days old in the freezer, and anything you defrost use that day or toss. Ice cube size because easier to control portion and less waste. Vitamix because you don't have to cook everything into disgusting mush for it to be smooth. Before kiddos can chew, they choke very easily on even small textures, and they can inhale food into their lungs and get you want the puree smooth, but not cooked to oblivion. I have tried a LOT of blenders, and that one really blends very smoothly and has a great adapter that fits perfectly for baby food.Sarah posted January 8, 2022
Homemade tastes better, is more fresh, will get your little one adapted to things you eat, and also is a hell of a lot cheaper. You will probably want to invest in a good blender, like Vitamix, with the Ascent Blending Bowl so you can make tiny portions though, and put them in silicone ice cube tray so you can pop them out easier. Once frozen, pop the cubes out into a sandwich box or something, label, store in freezer, and heat up as needed. Don't use if it is more than a few days old in the freezer, and anything you defrost use that day or toss. Ice cube size because easier to control portion and less waste. Vitamix because you don't have to cook everything into disgusting mush for it to be smooth. Before kiddos can chew, they choke very easily on even small textures, and they can inhale food into their lungs and get you want the puree smooth, but not cooked to oblivion. I have tried a LOT of blenders, and that one really blends very smoothly and has a great adapter that fits perfectly for baby food.