Help! Looking for advice

My daughter is 20 months old and we started daycare a month ago. At first it was great for the first 4 times she went now she doesn’t seem to be doing well and seems to be under a lot of stress. She is extremely anxious at drop off and the caretakers say she cries the entire day on and off. She won’t participate in activities very much (some days are better than others) and recently stopped eating at daycare. At home she’s super clingy to both my husband and me. I should add that we only go thursdays and Fridays because that was all that was available but it seems like every time we go she gets worse and worse. I have a pit in my stomach and now I dread dropping her off as well. Everyone at daycare keeps saying it’ll take time but I’m just feeling like there is something she isn’t liking because she never was this way until now. She used to be a bubbly fun girl who loved new people and environments. Someone please tell me if this is a normal “transition to daycare” period or not….

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Delete posted August 17, 2023

Have you spoken to any other parents about their child’s experience at that daycare? 0 Likes

Tami posted August 17, 2023

My experience as a day care provider for 20 yrs is it usually takes children about two weeks to get settled in to their new routine. Your child only going twice a week may take a little longer. Daycare isn’t always best for every child, there are some kids that need that one on one longer and my need a nanny.

Around 2, some children develop separation anxiety. But always go with your gut, if it doesn’t feel right maybe that daycare isn’t the right fit for your child. I hope this information helps.
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Maha posted August 19, 2023

It depends on the child. Some kids adjust right away. Others take a couple months. It’s a new environment for her. 0 Likes