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Military Childcare Assistance

Hello I am a single mother looking for a consistently babysitter/nanny for my daughter

0 Likes 9 Replies

Baylee posted March 28, 2022

Hi! Where are you located! I’d be happy to assist!! 0 Likes

Meg posted March 28, 2022

Terrace, I would love to babysit! What are the hours you are looking for? 0 Likes

Terrace posted March 28, 2022

I need someone pick her up when she’s out of school and I pick her up when I’m off I get off at 9pm Sundays-Thursday 0 Likes

Meg posted March 28, 2022

I can cover all day Sunday 1 Like

Taniece posted March 28, 2022

Is still available??? 0 Likes

Laila posted March 29, 2022

Is this available 1 Like

Victoria posted March 29, 2022

is this still available 1 Like

Tessa posted March 31, 2022

Is this still available 1 Like

Terrace posted March 31, 2022

Yes can you guys inbox me please 0 Likes