Searching for the right family to fit with my nurturing and adventurous style for your newborn through elementary age children! I am full of fun ideas and mellow ready to give the perfect kind of care that your family needs to enrich your children's growth and development. The kind of family I hope to find would allow me to take the kid(s) on walks, hikes, play in the park, lakeside, in the backyard with their bikes and scooters or simply just taking the baby for a stroll until he/she is old enough for age appropriate adventures I love to read, color, do arts and crafts, sing and play music, watch parent approved movies when the weather is yucky, teach them to bake and stomp in the puddles. I just adore kids and all the fun that we can have through discovery and play! I am available full time, M-F sunrise-sunset and occasionally on the weekends.