Get covered childcare during military training!
Military Childcare Assistance

Family child care Howard County MD zip code 20723

I'm a licensed family child care provider. I have a few spots available FOR CHILDREN TWO YEARS OLD AND UP. I also OPEN WEEKENDS AND WEEKENDS EVENINGS for infans to school--ages. If you are interested, please contact me @ Weecare inbox.
Thank you 😊!

1 Like 2 Replies

Bianca posted September 25, 2023

Good afternoon! My I know your hours and tuition rates for a full time 4 year old girl 0 Likes

Mingjing posted September 25, 2023

Hello Bianca! Thank you for reaching out to me! The hours are 7:30am--5:30pm, M--F. The tuition rate is $289/week. 0 Likes