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Military Childcare Assistance

Drop in Childcare needed for 2 year old

Hello my name is Cassandra and I am looking for childcare for my 2 year old daughter. She’ll be 3 next month. My 11 year old son is going through chemotherapy, and has frequently appointments and hospitalization. We don’t have family in the local area, and my husband is active duty military and has to return to work next week. Childcare will be on a drop in basis, but the dates and schedule can fluctuate depending on my son’s treatment.

0 Likes 2 Replies


Cassandra posted July 24, 2022

Childcare would be need in San Diego, CA. 0 Likes

Dionne posted July 24, 2022

Good afternoon I can help you but I need to know what area are you located I’m in Brooklyn New York I can’t even do it for next to nothing 0 Likes