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Crying unless held

Advice or tips my 10 month old who has been attending daycare since she was 3 months has started to cry unless she’s being held she only does this with the daycare teachers or a babysitter I’m not sure how to help her or them. She happily goes to them at drop off and is happy when in there arms but that’s not realistic.

0 Likes 3 Replies

Jenny posted September 7, 2022

Yes children are very smart. I’d want to be held all day too if I could 😊 And, at home you can fix this by letting the baby cry for a few minutes and then consoling him without picking him up. I wouldn’t want my daycare to just let my child cry though so they’re going to need to train your baby. I taught special education for 25 years and there are tricks that we could use to train kids. First, reward her. Let her know that s/he will get a reward when s/he sits on the floor or at a table. So give her a favorite cookie when she sits without crying. Second, uncondition her to being held. She gets nice rewards when sitting, but not when being held. So for example, no toys or food while being held. Over a short time, this should fix things. Offer to bring food rewards to preschool to use for encouragement. I hope this helps. 0 Likes

Elizabeth posted April 18, 2024

weird question but how do you put her down for a nap at home? 0 Likes

Trina posted July 16, 2024

Hi, try to give her something to redirects her attention so she will not focus on being held. 0 Likes