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Military Childcare Assistance

Baby sitter Needed

Looking for a summer baby sitter for July & August Monday thru Thursday (9am till 4pm). Occasional date nights for few hours Fridays
Have a 4 year old looking for a summer job to babysit. Please message me. Hourly rate: $10-12)

1 Like 2 Replies

Lina posted May 15, 2023

I have daycare in murrieta so I can babysitting in my home 0 Likes

Summer posted May 16, 2023

I have drop in care this summer available and my assistant provides weeknd and date night when asked or available. I work nights Loma Linda so I no longer do weekends :) we do daily art, circle, I work with my pre k age to get them ready for kinder . I live in French Valley off of Winchester and Benton . 0 Likes