Hello 👋 good morning ☀️ everyone. My name is Karla and I have decide it to take care of some little precious angels 👶🏻👦🏻👩🏻 of parents who are in need of childcare. I have taken care of my own nephews and nieces since I was 14. But long story short I start it learning how to take care of a little tiny human when I was 11. You guys may say at 11 well believe so at 11 why because my mom had my sister I would go to schoo go back home I would pick my little sister from our neighbor and I would take care of my sister till my mom would get home from work. Then I start it more at 14 like I said nephews and nieces who were my cousin’s children and sometimes I would take care of my younger cousins and to remind you guys they were at the age of few months old to 6 yrs old. Now I am a mother of a 3yr old and I still help some cousins with my nephews or nieces 🥰 why because sometimes as being a parent they need some time for themselves or they want to go party or hang out with friends or just simple work. I am available Monday-friday after 6pm to 11:30pm and I’m available Saturday-Sunday at 6am-11:30pm. So if some of you parents want to go out as single parents to have a date together as a couple just let me know and I’m here!!!