Kinshasa D.
Nanny in
San Leandro, CA
My exposure to the childcare field started early, at the age of 11, when my mother opened her own family home daycare which I was very enthusiastically involved in. A year later, at the request of several of the parents, I began babysitting kids that needed care after daycare hours and on weekends. I am now studying at Chabot College for my Associates for Transfer in Early Childhood Development and before graduating will also be obtaining certifications as an Associate Teacher followed by Basic Teacher as well as an Infant Toddler Specialist and Early Childhood Intervention Assistant. Once my AS-T is completed I will pursue my Bachelor's in the Early Childhood field at one of the CSU campuses. I cannot imagine my life without kids playing a major part. Caring for children, fostering their development, and providing an environment in which they can flourish are all things that not only allow me the opportunity to enjoy the privilege of witnessing their remarkable capacity to learn and grow but also reward me with a sense of fulfillment I have yet to experience elsewhere. Plus it's a lot of fun and at the end of the day I strive to have the sort of positive impact on the lives of the children and families I work with as they do on mine.
12 earned Early Childhood Education credits, with 7 more currently in progress
Currently studying at Chabot college and working towards AS-T in Early Childhood Development, Basic Teacher Certification, Infant Toddler Specialist Certification, and Early Childhood Intervention Assistant Certification
Passed on 12/1/22
National Criminal Search
Sex Offender Search
Global Watchlist Search
SSN Check
Hourly rate
$17 - $24 / hr