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Military Childcare Assistance

Tips and advice for parents, from parents and educators in the community!


Do toddler seats work for potty training?

My husband and I have been trying to potty train my son but we have been struggling with him wanting to sit on the toilet. We currently use a training potty for him but he resists so much! I'd love to get feedback on what other people use. Any tips for potty training? Should we get a toddler seat?

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Affordable kid-friendly activities in LA?

Looking for wallet-friendly activities for the kiddos in the LA area & willing to drive a bit. We have 3 kids under 5 so outings can be a nightmare and pricey. We have to hide how close we live to Disneyland lol. Looking beyond movies and the basics… ideas?

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How do I encourage my toddler to be active?

What are some “active” playtime ideas I can do with our 4-year-old? We’re in an apartment without a yard, so ideally indoor-friendly unless we’re at the park. Want my son to start building good habits because his older brother is way too into video games.

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Best toddler pajamas?

My kid is 2 years old and he only wants to wear PJs that are super hero themed! Super hero themed anything can get pricey after a while and I was wondering how I can convince him to choose other options for toddler pajamas?

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How do I get my picky toddler to eat healthier?

My toddler is a picky eater and I want her to eat more than chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. But when it comes to veggies and fruit, she tends to shut down very quickly and refuse to eat. What are some fun ideas to encourage kids to eat healthier?

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What is the difference between daycare centers and in-home daycares?

So my sister has her daughter in a preschool facility and I kind of want my daughter to go there as well but it's just really expensive and I am thinking about going towards the daycare option but am so hesitant because I'm not sure if the quality with be as good. Opinions?

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What is the best milk for toddlers to be drinking?

I want to ween my baby off of breastmilk since I will be going to work soon and would love to see what other parents think the best milk would be for a 6 month old?

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Need ideas for kid activity tables!

So recently I have been catching my daughter scribbling on the walls and my couch because she has just discovered "art" at her daycare. I am worried that my house will look like piece of crumbled up paper when she's done with it. I need ideas on activity tables and what she can do on them so that she doesn't use her energy toward our house walls!

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How do you breastfeed with a child in daycare?

Wondering how daycare works if you’re still breastfeeding? Thinking about sending our 8 mo to daycare but not willing to switch her to formula.

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Tips for traveling alone with a toddler!

Looking for tips on successful solo travel (basically free of a meltdown) with a 2 year old. I’ll be flying with him alone for the first time - my husband is deployed overseas and we’re going to visit his parents on the east coast. I’m pretty terrified of the 5 hour flight with zero help.

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