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What children's museums should we go to in San Bernardino?

Does anyone have any recommendations for some children’s exhibits at museums in the San Bernardino area? I feel like on the weekends all we ever do is take our son to the movies, and I’d rather do something more educational at least some of the time. Help please! Any suggestions are welcome!

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Best Family Restaurants in North Hollywood?

Hey mommas! It’s going to be my husband’s birthday this month and I wanted to plan a family dinner for him at a restaurant near our house. We live in the North Hollywood area. What are some restaurants that you think would be kid-friendly enough to survive a dinner with my two kids under 4, but that would be nice enough for my hubby’s bday? Let me know! Thanks in advance!

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Where should I buy maternity clothes in Gardena?

So I’ve gotten to the point in my pregnancy where I can no longer wear any of my normal clothes anymore. I’ve done some shopping for maternity clothes, but I feel like all of the ones I’ve seen have been either ugly, too expensive for clothes I’m only going to be able to wear for just a few months, or they’ve been ugly AND too expensive! Please help - where should I look for maternity clothes? I’m in Gardena. Thank you thank you thank you.

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Sensory bin ideas for children with Autism?

My child has mild autism and I'm trying to find some sensory items to use in a bin for her to interact with for a long time. I try play-doh but she gets bored of it.

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How to stop my toddler from biting kids at daycare!

My kid is 2 and he keeps on getting reports from his teacher that he bites others when he wants something that someone else has. I never witness it because we don't really have other friends with kids his age. So I don't know what to do.

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How do I handle toddler tantrums in public places?

My 4 year old has been recently throwing tantrums at the market for candy and it's really embarrassing so I just give in and buy her the candy. I don't want others to judge me so I give in but I know it's not the right thing to do. I would love some help on what i can do to stop these!

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Is Play-Doh safe for kids to play with?

I generally buy Play-Doh from Target but I started to get a headache from the smell and I don't think it's good for my 3 yr old to play with anymore. I want to know some things parents use to substitute it.

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My son is too obsessed with Dr. Seuss!

My son is so funny! He is 3 and loves listening to Dr. Seuss books at school. But what I've discovered is that he is taking his imagination to another level and it trying everything they are in the books! He wants me to make green eggs everyday and is constantly doing crazy things like Thing 1 & Thing 2! How can I stop this?

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Thoughts on academics vs. hands-on play?

So my kiddo is 4 and I am wondering how strict I should be with academics? I hear that children learn best through hands on play and socialization, but I also want my kiddo to excel academically. I am scared of pressuring my child too much and them becoming resistant because of it.

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Cry it out method - does it even work?

I’m having trouble embracing the CIO method with our 4-month-old. Both my mother and mother-in-law swear it’s the best way to get a baby to fall asleep faster and sleep through the night sooner. At this point, my husband and I are getting desperate for more sleep and I know our baby needs it, too. Is it really the best thing to do, or can it be stressful on the baby?

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