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Military Childcare Assistance

Tips and advice for parents, from parents and educators in the community!


How can I stop biting and hitting with my 2 year old twins?

This past couple weeks have been such a turn around for me. I have never had this problem with my twins but out of no where if one doesn’t share a toy they start hitting or biting. When I even say no or they can’t have their way I get smacked. Is there any advise on how to change this habits?

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Why won’t my 2.5 year old sleep throughout the night/fall asleep easily anymore?

So my son whose 2.5 almost 3, is not only not sleeping throughout the night, but he’s also having a really tough time settling down enough to fall asleep. It’s almost like right before bed he has this burst of energy but yet we can tell he’s becoming way to over tired. We sometimes allow him to lay in our bed and watch an episode of one of his favorite shows and then transfer him; but he seems to climb out or come out of his room every time now. He also wakes up at least once through out the night: we think it may be night terrors or other times maybe not being able to find his pacifier? But it stinks because you can tell he wants to sleep but it’s like his mind isn’t settling down enough for him to! Any tricks ? He has a speech delay, so sometimes he’s over stimulated and cannot communicate proper sentences or phrases to let us know at all what’s going on and he’s sensitive to sensory needs so I wonder if maybe that’s adding to it?

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paper or cloth diapers

i really dont know what to do

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A good income/data software tracker

I currently do paper receipts. I want something more promising.. a good computer software

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what to do when your child care is full of boys?

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what's a great way to get your school again kids in bed at 9

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How long is CCDF approval wait time? Do you have to submit pay stubs earlier with other documents?

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3 year old won't stop hitting and won't listen

How do you get them to stop hitting and get them to listen. I am taking him to a behavioral therapist but unfortunately there is no opening until end of the month. Hoping they can give me suggestions on how to help him with the hitting issues. any suggestions I can try now will be very helpful.

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My 20 month old talks very little

Hi, I have a 20 month old daughter who understands everything I speak. She says about 10 words like dada, mummy, yes , no, baby, shoe , up, down, out, in , wow . When I ask her to repeat after me, sometimes she says something so random and different than what I am saying. But she attempts to say it. I'm a first time mom and we are bilingual home. Is this common? She takes in everything, but when I ask her to repeat, she attempts, but it sounds nothing like what I am asking her to say. For example, when I ask her to say "all done" - she always says "ooo ba " - so now I just know when she says oooo ba it's all done. Just trying to understand if this is their way of Learning to explore with speech ?

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My 2 year old daughter is still crying after 1.5 mos in daycare

My baby girl is still crying after 1 and half month in daycare. Is this normal? When I drop her off in the daycare today, her teacher were playing with the other kids at the front yard. The moment when my daughter saw her teacher she became so panic and ran back to my car. I tried to grab her and put her back to school, she wouldn’t listen and try to escape while crying so hard. It was such a hard time to catch her and finally pass her to the teacher. I asked her to give me a reason why she hates school, she couldn’t explain. Do you guys have any experience on what happen or is this reallly normal? I want to do something to help in the transition. I tried talking to her a lot at home and tell her everybody love her at school but still doesn’t help…

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