Tips and advice for parents, from parents and educators in the community!


Toddler keeps getting sick at preschool!

I have a 18 month old son who keeps getting sick at daycare. Almost once a week he gets sent home, cough, fever, tummy bug! It's really frustrating because my boyfriend and I keep having to take off work! Anyone else having the same problems?

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Is it okay for toddlers to experiment with makeup?

My daughter is 4 and she always asks me to use makeup because she sees me wearing it. I want her to be able to express exactly what she see/feels her role models do, not just me, but i'm scared of what others may think or say.

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Toddler keeps swallowing lots of gum, what should I do?

My 2-year-old went into my purse and chewed and swallowed an entire pack of my gum! What should I do? Will he be okay? Do I need to take him somewhere?

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My daughter has started lying - help!

My daughter just learned how to lie. How do I get her to be honest with me and show her that it’s wrong?

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What are the best places for kid-friendly hiking in San Bernardino?

I’m on the search for hiking trails in the San Bernardino area that are kid-friendly or have kid friendly paths - help! I need some suggestions from real mamas. We’re tried a few different hiking trails that have said online that they are good options for kids, but they have all been absolutely insane and NOT kid friendly at all. My kiddos end up whining and complaining the whole way and it turns our nice nature hike as a family into something that I can’t wait to be done with. Help help help.

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The truth about cloth vs. disposable diapers?

What’s the deal when it comes to cloth vs. disposable diapers? We’re expecting next month and this is one area that I get a ton of conflicting advice in. My mom used cloth diapers with all of her children, but this seems like a lot of hassle. I’m willing to do this, of course, if it’s really necessary. Are there alternatives?

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Does anyone know of petting zoos in the Irvine area?

So my son is obsessed with bunnies. He wants one really bad, but my friends have told me that there is a ton of upkeep and that it’s probably best if we start out with a pet that is easier to take care of. My son keeps asking me to take him to see bunnies though, and so I was wondering if anyone knows of any petting zoos in the Irvine area? I can’t be the only one with a bunny obsessed kid lol.

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Fun things to do with kids in Moreno Valley? Help!

So I’ve been trying to come up with some things to do on weekends with my kiddos. Moreno Valley parents, what do you do with your children on the weekends? My kids are 4 and 7! Thanks!!!!

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Places to take family photos in San Bernardino?

The holidays are coming up really quickly and I want to make sure we have a good family photo taken! Our apartment is really small though and we don’t really have any nice outdoor area for the photo. Does anyone have suggestions of places in San Bernardino to take a nice family photo? Outdoors suggestions - thanks!!

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Better alternatives to time-out?

I hate to say it, but I think the terrible twos have started with my daughter. Time out means nothing to her. She just gets up over and over again. Parents, do any of you have tips for me on how to make time out work, or other ways to discipline her that she’ll listen to?

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