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Babysitter in Los Angeles, CA
I'm a babysitter in Los Angeles with 2 years of childcare experience. I'm willing to travel 10 miles to provide childcare services. I can ca... Read More
Babysitter in California, CA
Mi vocación es el cuidado y enseñanza de los niños ya sea a través de un aula o en casa, tengo cinco años realizando la tarea de formar a lo... Read More
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what's a great way to get your school again kids in bed at 9
6 Likes 4 Replies
How long is CCDF approval wait time? Do you have to submit pay stubs earlier with other documents?
4 Likes 4 Replies
3 year old won't stop hitting and won't listen
7 Likes 14 Replies
My 20 month old talks very little
8 Likes 12 Replies