Tonisha B.
With over 12 years of working with families, I genuinely love the company of children. I spend the majority of my day with little adult interaction and truly enjoy creating a healthy and nourishing environment to all ages. With my background in psychology and interest in child development, I am a childcare specialists and am responsible for providing your children with developmentally appropriate experiences.
What is helpful for me in this role is the amount of energy I bring to the table. I pride myself in taking exceptional care of my health so I can greet the day in the best way I can. Additionally, I come well equipped with a large reserve of patience. I have the ability to handle children’s moods and behaviours in positive and healthy ways. I enjoy cultivating a stimulating environment with art, music, reading, life skills and exploring nature. I look forward to connecting with you and your littles!
Bachelors in Pyscholinguistics
RBT training
Art Therapy Certificate
STARS training