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Babysitter in Broken Arrow, OK
I am a Believer in a Christ as well as an Certified Medical Assistant , mother of 5 age range 29-18 and grandmother of 3 age range 2-4. I am... Read More
Babysitter in Coweta, OK
I’ve worked at a daycare for 4 years caring for children ages 6 months-12years. I have also worked as a pediatric CNA for the last 3 years. ... Read More
I have a 4 month baby and a 5 year old. I working at a daycare as well and teach 2-3 year olds!
I started babysitting in high school and was off and on doing that for families around my town including family friends and neighbors till a... Read More
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Hello… The Golden Tree Family Daycare in Burbank has openings for infants and toddlers.
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