Toddra L.
I have work with children of all ages. I was a martial arts instrutor with saldivar martial arts for four years, there I trained childern, helped them with homework, planned activities, and at times provied lunch. I had also took care of a infant for a few months, he was in need of specal care after being in the ICU after birth. I have also assisted in speech thearapy for my nephew and was a gardian over him for a month. Assisting in taking him to school, homework help, and day to day activities. I have even work with children with autisum and have senory activites planned for them. I overall love to work with children. I would say I have a strong work ethic and determination with anything I put my mind to. I also strive to do and be the best I can.
Passed on 3/22/22
National Criminal Search
Sex Offender Search
Global Watchlist Search
SSN Check