Sylvia K.
I've been a babysitter and nanny since I was 16. I'm 22 now. I completed Teaching as a Profession in high school and interned as an assistant teacher at an elementary school. I also worked as an assistant teacher at a preschool ages 5mos - 6 yrs. At the preschool, I was assistant teacher in the infant room and responsible for all 6 infants by myself. I assisted other classrooms with up to 15-20 ages two - six years. I enjoy watching and being part of the developmental growth of children of all ages. I enjoy reading to them, telling stories, and helping them with tasks. I'm also very creative and enjoy helping with art and crafts. I'm responsible, committed, loyal and passionate about caring for children. I'm also honest and take my job very serious in caring for family's children.
Interned at Elementary 2 yrs. in high school
Teacher Assistant
Teacher Assistant 1 yr at Creme le da Creme
Teaching as a Profession 2 yrs.