Kiddos Castle Daycare
Daycare in San Diego, CA
(442) 276-3697
A Home Daycare Provider is accountable for providing a secure and developmentally suitable daycare program for the children at the provider's home. At N&K Daycare, structure the curriculum around four key elements of development to ensure the growth of the whole child: Social, Emotional, Physical, and intellectual. Our daily curriculum includes English, Art, Cooking, Building, Free play, outside play, and storytime. I like to find ways to make the environment safe, fun, educational, and supportive of your children. I provide healthy meals each day for breakfast, lunch, and nutritious. We offer your child our best: Creative development, Social and emotional development, Painting.
Our goal is to teach children the necessary character traits and knowledge to enable them to become self-sufficient. The growth and success of your child is our number one priority and we are eager to begin this journey and start meeting {milestones} with you and your child.
My passion for childcare extends beyond 7 years. I fell in love with watching the children grow and being an integral part of their development! Along my journey as a provider, I’m earned my CPR/First Aid certifications.
The daycare is very nice with a clean learning environment. My child is well stimulated and given the upmost care, I'm so happy we found N&K Daycare WeeCare.
N&K Daycare is clean, Warm, Safe, Smoke-free, and Pet-free with toys of all sorts that the children can play with. Children will have some outdoor time every day at a local park or playground. Connecting with nature lets children gain a more in-depth knowledge of themselves and the world.
Weekly rate
$223 - $375 / wk