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Photo of Christina's Developing Angels Daycare
Photo of Christina's Developing Angels Daycare
Location of Christina's Developing Angels Daycare

Christina's Developing Angels Daycare

Home daycare Daycare in Wilson, NC

License number 98000227

Provider type Home Daycare


Christina's Developing Angels is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Wilson. The director has programs for children as young as 0 to as old as 12. Contact Christina's Developing Angels to learn more about availability, rates, and pricing.

Our Upwards daycares are all in-home — sometimes referred to as family childcare. This means the provider has transformed their home into the ideal learning environment for the little ones! Your child gets more one-on-one time with their provider because class sizes are smaller than in preschools or centers. Given the smaller classes, there is less exposure to illness than traditional centers, which means fewer colds and flus! Additionally, in-home providers are often located in neighborhoods that are close by to make parents’ lives that much easier. With a wide range of program types, each Upwards daycare is completely unique!


Weekly Tuition Packages


Christina's Developing Angels is a home daycare that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Wilson, as well as the larger Wilson metro area.

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Wilson, NC 27896
Location is approximate

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