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Babysitter in Hillsboro, OH
My oldest niece was born when I was 10 years old and I fell in love with the role of child care and have been doing it ever since
I have been babysitting for over six years now and have helped many kids grow up and parents complete their individual goals. I am very stra... Read More
I have always been a babysitter for my family and family friends. I have worked with infants all the way to 16 years old
My love for seeing kids grow into excellent mature young adults is exhilarating and I would love to be a part of taking your kids through th... Read More
I have 4 children of my own ages 7, 5, 4, and 1. The older 3 are at school during the day and my 1 year old is home with myself during the d... Read More
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any success out there helping toddler to stop thumb sucking?
2 Likes 3 Replies
Do I need to sterilize bottles and pacifiers after every single use?
8 Likes 10 Replies
Any advice for teaching children how to brush their teeth and develop good habits?
2 Likes 9 Replies
Best app for tracking an infant's feeding, diaper, and pumping schedule?
3 Likes 5 Replies