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Nanny in Old Lyme, CT
Hello! My name is Jenna! I graduated from Connecticut College in 2019 with a degree in Child Development. Throughout my collegiate career, I... Read More
Nanny in Franconia, CT
I am fun and like hiking and playing at the park. I understand routine and schedules work well with children. I believe in outside time very... Read More
Old Lyme Daycares
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Licensed daycare in Norwalk, Ca
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seeking immediate childcare for all my kids ages 1,2, and 10 Rockford IL
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Childcare located in Marion county 46254, have several openings. Provide 5 meals a day. Open 24/7.
I’m Kari Home daycare for 0-5 years old. Mon-Fri 7:30-5:30 in downtown Sonora, Ca 209-352-4821
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