Yolotzin Daycare
Little Flower Daycare provides childcare for families living in the Beaverton area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities to help them achieve important milestones. The facility is a home daycare which fosters the development of social skills in a safe, caring environment. Programs are available year-round. Little Flower Daycare provides childcare in the mornings. Little Flower Daycare provides breakfast, lunch, and snacks for enrolled children. Contact Little Flower Daycare to discuss operating hours, tuition rates, and schedule a free tour for you and your family.
Families that enroll more than one child are eligible for a tuition discount.
Little Flower Daycare is a home daycare that offers childcare for families in Beaverton and the surrounding Portland area. Teachers help their students achieve important milestones by engaging in play-based, educational activities. The facility fosters the development of social skills in a safe, caring environment.