Hanley, Kerry Daycare
Handle With Care Daycare provides childcare for families living in the Port Ewen area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities to help them achieve important milestones. The facility is a home daycare which fosters the development of social skills in a safe, caring environment. The director offers age-appropriate programming for kids aged 6 weeks to 12 years. Open since 2005, the director has 19 years of experience serving the local community with childcare options. Contact Handle With Care Daycare to discuss operating hours, tuition rates, and schedule a free tour for you and your family.
Handle With Care Daycare is a home daycare that provides childcare for families living in the Port Ewen area. Children engage in play-based, educational activities to help them achieve important milestones. The facility fosters the development of social skills in a safe, caring environment.