Littles Family Daycare
Welcome! Families can expect a Daycare who aims to provide an experience much more than simply “babysitting”. The children will develop their cognitive and motor skills through various activities. Aware of the personalized needs of families, our operating hours are really flexible.
Although my professional background is in law, I personally understand the qualities and standards a daycare must-have. My husband, Mohammed, and I have raised amazing children which we’re proud to see thriving in college. I handle the majority of the day-to-day operations.
We have a 2-acre lot ready to be filled with bundles of joy and laughter. Our home’s layout complements the ease of transition from inside to outside play. There are age-appropriate toys, books, and games the children can utilize.
We reside in a calm and relaxing neighborhood west of downtown Hesperia. It’s less than a 10-minute drive from the 15-Fwy. Parking is readily available too.